I am so glad I bit the bullet on Planitia’s design. I’ve gotten so much stuff done since then.

The biggest problem I’ve got right now is that my terrain textures, frankly, suck. Anybody know of a site with good free terrain textures? None of my searches have turned up anything really usable, unfortunately.
EDIT: Thank you guys for the texture links. Maybe I can hack up something from something I find. Of course, part of the problem is that everybody is into photorealism for textures and I’m looking for something a bit lighter and more fantasy-ish.
In fact, if I had my druthers, Planitia would look exactly like this:

I guess it’s kind of silly to desire art direction when I’m not an artist, huh?
The first hit on google for free terrain textures is “free terrain textures pack” from “virtually infinite systems”.. the host seems to be overloaded though =)
other than that, yeah.. terrain textures seem to be hard to come by, briefly browsing. I’ve generally rolled my own when I’ve needed something by using a digicam and photoshop, but then again, I’m not exactly an artist..
Here are some nice-looking textures for non-commercial use: http://thief.washboardabs.net/textures/
there’s another texture pack that seems to be free.. at least for non-commercial use.
Actually the current look reminds me of Ultima IV/V if it had been done in 3D.
Well, that would be because both the grass and water textures are from Ultima VI 🙂
This site has tiles & sprites with an old-school hand-drawn look. Commercial use is OK. Checkitout: http://www.reinerstileset.de
Checkout THIS set. Painted 2D loveliness.
another set of hand-drawn textures from the same site: http://lostgarden.com/2006/02/250-free-handdrawn-textures.html
Hello! Just a random comment dropped in a random site-load-by – I hope all goes well, V. Life has been … tough … for me. Sorry for the long absence. And despite being able to pop by this day, things probably won’t get better soon, so I probably won’t be by again for a while, sadly 🙁 Ah well. Was a blast reading back amongst your posts. You’re a heck of an interesting guy! See ya again … sometime! Prosperity, Long Life and Health to you!
Aw, thanks. And I hope things work out for you, Warren.
That Chrono Trigger Resurrection texture isn’t too hard to make. I whipped up something that looked “sort of” like it..
I have, howerever, no idea how you’re going to make it go from grass to sand in-game..