And we’re back to the RPGs! Only this time, the RPG is in SPAAAACE!

That’s kind of an obscure screenshot, but the game’s main screen has the title logo on it. I guess the developers just didn’t need the expansive amount of space that 320×200 provided so they could waste some on always reminding you what game you were playing…
Name and developer, please. If you’re the first one to get it right, I’ll let you into my zombie-proof bunker when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. You’ll have to prove that you’re not infected first, of course. I’m not going to fall for that one!
I believe the game is “GURPS Traveller” by Steve Jackson Games (
Did I get it right????
Um…you’re close in one way, far off in another. GURPS Traveller is a paper-and-pencil RPG that is related to the above game. But the above game is a PC game made by a different company.
Sorry, try again!
You’ll have to prove that you’re not infected first, of course. I’m not going to fall for that one!
Not again…
You have to admit I totally got you last time.
Oh, paper game! :$ I’m feeling too stupidly hasty and too young at the same time right now :”>. I guess I’m not used to “role-playing game” meaning anything but a “computer” game, I never really did the paper-and-pencil thing; it was kinda a little before my time. I went straight to MSX games and from that to MS-DOS…
Anyway, the “computer” game is: MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani Conspiracy (1990) published by: Paragon Software Corporation and developed by: Game Designers’ Workshop
Woot! You got it! You shall have a safe haven from the zombies!
And you started on the MSX? May I ask where you’re from? The MSX was one of those computers that never made it big here in the States…a pity.
Egypt, but it never made it big here either. I guess it just was there when my dad decided to enter the digital era, but I think shortly after that the so called “IBM compatible” PCs came around. That was around 1989, I was 3 years old back then.
Well, anyway, I’m glad I no longer have to worry about those zombies ;). It was fun trying to figure it out, I can’t wait for the next one 😀
Good grief…I was fifteen years old when you were born. Gonna be needing my cane and walker soon. And has anybody seen my teeth?
It’s kind of funny, considering that the ‘MS’ in MSX is Microsoft..
uuuurrrrrrrr… teeeeeeth heeerrrre…. delicious smelling brains… me stay in bunker with you? urrrrrrrrr