I apologize for the dearth of posts last week…had a couple doctors appointments and some other stuff that kind of threw me off my game.
So let’s start this week off with a rollicking session of Name That Game!

This episode of Name That Game also marks the first time I have had to alter a screenshot before posting it, since yet again the developers of this game felt that they had so much screen space that they could waste some of it telling you what game you were playing.
Name and developer, please! If you’re the first to get it right, I’ll sponsor your entrance to the Illuminati. No, I’m serious, I’m in good with those guys! Really!
I know this one, but I don’t want to say it because I guessed recently.
And I kind of cheated.
But I really want into the Illuminati.
Msg me later.
I love this game. This was actually my favourite of all the X-Coms. So I guess X-Com Apocalypse. I can’t remember where it said what game you are playing though.(did it say something like welcome to X-Com Apocalypse on the Marquee or something like that?) I have to get this running under Vista. Guess I could use DosBox or something…
Whoops, knew I forgot something, sorry. This X-Com was developed by Mythos Games and published by the legendary MicroProse.
Whew! Good job! You’ll be receiving your Illuminati application form in the mail in 4-6 weeks. You’ll need the secret decoder ring you got when you first joined the Illuminati to decode it. Welcome aboard!
You made them bleed.
And V, that knock you hear on the roof will be one of the Old Ones coming for you for revealing our… er .. thier, definitely THIER, secrets.
Wow. I didn’t even have the slightest of clues and X-Com Tftd is one of my most favourite and most played games ever.