Whoa…this game looks like a cross between Jagged Alliance and X-Com…probably because that’s exactly what it is.

Name and developer, please! For bonus points, please tell me what other game I’ve featured on Name That Game that this one can interlock with!
Breach 3, which could talk to Omnitrend’s starship sim RoE 2 — but not, sadly, the Universe series.
Correct, sir! I must point out that RoE 2 stands for Rules of Engagement 2, which was the first game ever featured on a Name That Game.
Never heard of them, but, based on mobygames, I probably didn’t miss much. =)
Hey, now. Rules of Engagement 2 was an absolutely incredible piece of work – as fully detailed a simulation of (two-dimensional) spaceship-to-spaceship combat as you could ever want. It suffered due to its interface, though, and I’ve often thought about remaking it with a better one.
I haven’t actually played Breach 3 so I can’t comment on that.