Okay, let’s get back to normal with an episode of Name That Game!

I really wanted to like this game. It was a first-person fantasy RPG at a time when there weren’t that many of them and it was billed as the spiritual successor to a defunct line of famous first-person RPGs. But I couldn’t like it because the control scheme was awful and unfixable.
Name and developer, please! Bonus points if you can tell me what RPG series this game was supposed to be the followup to.
Arx Fatalis, developed by Arkane Studios!
Supposed to be an unofficial sequel to Ultima Underworld!
You are correct on all counts, sir! If anyone does want to try out Arx Fatalis, both the demo and the full game are on Steam.
The control scheme can’t possibly be as bad as with gothic, another first-person RPG..
No, wait, gothic was third person. Anyway, the control scheme is bad. =)