I’ve recently installed Spam Karma 2 in an attempt to mitigate how much comment spam I’m getting. None of it ever shows up on the site – the default WordPress install is good at catching comment spam. But suspicious comments just go into the moderation queue, where I have to sort through them manually, and that’s just not possible any more.
Spam Karma 2 automatically kills comments that look like spam – I won’t ever see them. Which means that there’s a slight chance that it will kill the occasional legitimate comment. If you have trouble commenting now, please feel free to email me – I want to know about problems so I can fix them. Hopefully this will make the blog easier to maintain without impacting legitimate discussion.
Hmmm…let’s see if I can comment…
Well, that’s a good start. Everybody comment on this post to make sure your comment-fu stays strong!
Let’s see.. a short comment with uppercase characters and a link – TMDC is over, all entries etc. available at http://taat.fi/tmdc/ (including a 100 meg ISO which has all the entries in easily runnable form, dos entries are run with the provided DOSBox 0.72).
If this gets past, I think it’s good enough =)
So if I mention Online Casinos or Viagra, you’ll probably never see this post? 🙂
I rolled a 20 on commenting!
get a bigger pen15 today! call 1-888-big-wang
hahahah it let me BAD SPAM CHECKER
hmm had to go through a “sorta-spam-checker” or something like that for that last one.
and its awaiting moderation.. feel free to delete all of my replies 🙂
Sigh. In case you couldn’t tell from the NAME, Spam Karma 2 uses a karma system. As a registered user with previously approved comments you have a lot of karma. Or at least you DID. By posting comments that look like spam, you reduced your karma to the point where the system started asking for verification. I would like to strongly suggest that you not do that any more if you want your posts to continue to show up.
ah crap. that’ll learn me.
Hmm interesting, so it starts to check huh, i’m using recaptcha, while it hasn’t done anything drastic, it does seem to have a moderate effect. It’s kind of weird though, I shouldn’t get spam comments through recaptcha since there’s supposed to be a person at one end.
Although maybe I’m getting it through email somehow.
LOL @ SteelGolem’s expense! Sorry, but I cracked up at Viridian’s “Or at least you DID” line.
Don’t worry. I’ll put in a good word for you. B-)