…For I cannot build a castle…
Oh, wait – YES I CAN!

(Yes, I know those aren’t the right lyrics. But that’s how most people hear it.)
Okay, finally got something I like. When the Minimalist theme was announced my first idea was a minimalist RPG, like a Roguelike. And I’d been thinking about writing a Roguelike for a while…but I don’t think I could write a good Roguelike in two days.
After getting some sleep I thought of a very simple action game – top-down, 2D. You start in the center of a room and must avoid enemies until a weapon spawns, at which point you can pick it up and kill them. Unfortunately this is almost exactly what MrFun is doing…and he’s actually a good way into making his game.
So I came back to thinking about the minimalist RPG idea, and of course of the first games I thought of was the original Legend of Zelda. (Except that some people claim that Zelda isn’t an RPG at all. Why? Because there are no stats to improve. You don’t level up and gain abilities; all your abilities come from things you find in the world. Want more health? Find a heart container. Want do to more damage? Find a better sword, etc. I can see their point, but I don’t think I agree with it.)
And then I remembered a game I played a long time ago called Castle Adventure. It was a very good real-time RPG similar to Zelda, where you picked up items that gave you new abilities and allowed you to explore (and ultimately escape) the castle. Combat was a bit lame, however – it had Roguelike combat, where you just ran into an enemy and whoever was tougher won. I liked that there were a lot of puzzles in the game, though. You used treasures you’d already found to access new areas of the castle and get more treasures.
Both of these games seem to strip the concept of the RPG down to its roots. So I’m going to write a game similar to them, but adding improvements of my own. It’ll have Zelda-style action combat but it’ll also have Castle Adventure-style treasure collecting and puzzle solving.
And it’ll be in text mode 🙂
I finally come up with an idea and discover that MrFun is already doing it.
And it won by a huge margin.
What the heck? A Ludum Dare game is pretty much “minimalist” by default!
At 9 PM local time, actually. Which means that I’ll have to resist the temptation to stay up real late.
Here’s the list of final theme candidates:
Bleeding / Leaking
Bumper Cars
Slowed Time
Turn Based
The final theme will be one of these, although we won’t find out which one until time begins. The current favorite appears to be “Endless” which I’m not a huge fan of. I’m also not a huge fan of “Bleeding/Leaking”, “Morph” or “Slowed Time” because I think it would be hard to write a game using those mechanics in 48 hours.
I’m going to be doing a lot of blogging over the next 48 hours. I will try to mirror all posts here, but most of it will be at the official Ludum Dare site. And of course I’ll be hanging out in the official IRC channel – #ludumdare on irc.afternet.org.
Good Lord, I’ve neglected this blog recently. I didn’t really mean to…things have just been kind of hectic. So it’s time for a grab bag post!
First, I did a short video over the weekend about how you can mod System Shock 2 to make it look better.
I am seriously thinking about doing a Let’s Play of either System Shock 2 or Starflight…once the Ludum Dare is over.
And that’s this weekend. And I’m getting seriously nervous because I don’t feel I’m prepared enough. I’ve been working on a little space-based 4X game called Spacesploitation! (yes, the exclamation point is part of the title). Currently it looks like this:
I had expected to finish it before the competition started. That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.
So in the end, I’ll just do my best and see how that comes out.
Saint Peter, don’t you call me, ’cause I can’t go
I sold my soul to Patch 2.4
One of the things that has prevented me from wasting a lot of time on World of Warcraft since I hit level 70 has been the dearth of things to do if you don’t do instances.
Unfortunately, last Tuesday saw the release of Patch 2.4, which rebalanced the battlegrounds and added a whole bunch of daily-repeatable solo quests.
So this weekend saw me get absolutely nothing done on Wizard. Again. I did make over a thousand gold questing and finally won my first Warsong Gulch, though. I’m sure that makes you happy!
But in the end, let’s face facts. The reason that I haven’t been working on Wizard is because I don’ wanna. It was originally written as nasty, one-off code and I’ll have to spend a day just cleaning it up before I can add any new features like enemies. (Lesson learned: Don’t write nasty one-off code under any circumstances.)
So I think I’m going to move on to my second game. I have already decided what it’s going to be, but I’m not gonna tell you yet 🙂
I was supposed to finish up Wizard over the weekend, but Easter messed that up for me. Then I was supposed to finish it up last night, but chillun aggro messed that up for me. Now I’m hoping to have it done by the end of the week, and I’m reducing the number of little games I’ll make before the competition from three or four to two. I will happily take suggestions on what the second game I do should be.
This is something I started a while back but didn’t get too far with. Now I’ve picked it back up and expanded on it in order to get some practice writing platformer mechanics.
I’ve been thinking that it’s about time to start challenging myself again. Yes, yes, Planitia…but there’s something else I’ve been wanting to do.
I’ve mentioned the self-confidence problems that I’ve had in the past and while I’m a lot better (look, Ma! I’m writing in public!) there is one thing I still don’t like to do and that is compete. I shy away from testing my skills against other people, because I’m afraid I’ll discover that I suck. Well, it’s time to meet this thing head-on.
Therefore, I am hereby announcing that I will compete in Ludum Dare Eleven, which will be held from April 18-20.
Now, see, in order for this to really work I’m going to need to make a pretty good showing of it. So for the next month I’m going to be making lots and lots of small games. I’m hoping to do at least four and I don’t want any of them to take longer than a week to do. This will get me better at starting out quickly and sand over any edges in my 2D development skills.
So the bad news is that there won’t be any Planitia news for a while. The good news is that there should be lots more news on all the other games I’m doing leading up to the competition.
I’m also going to have to come up with a few good recipes, since one of the categories you’re graded on is food…
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