Category: The Game Biz


Sony’s making a handheld that is capable of 3D and uses 1.8-gig minidisks as its medium. Sounds great, but I’m interested in what the actual size of the screen is. 3D actually needs a larger viewport than 2D to get the same information across, so if the screen is too small, the 3D aspects of the device probably won’t be used to a great extent. Of course, it will be nice to finally get some MP3-quality audio on a handheld console. I just hope I can get a copy of Street Fighter Alpha 3 for it.


E3 starts today. (Well, technically, the expo starts tomorrow, but everybody who cares is already there.) There are three things I want out of E3:

1. More info about Deus Ex 2.
2. More info about Thief III.
3. An announcement of Shenmue III. If Sega can give Yu-san just one more game, he can wrap up the storyline. I want to put the beat down on Lan Di, dammit!