Okay, you little punks have been getting these pretty easy, so it’s time to ratchet up the difficulty level.

Oh, and just for the record, every game I use will be a game for the PC. I’m not going to go way back to the Commodore 64/Apple II era (that feels like cheating).
Name and developer, please.
Circuit’s Edge!!
Um … Infocom and/or Westwood, I think?
Oh and I hate that WordPress never actually remembers me >.
Good. Gravy. You scare me, Warren. You are the winner. Again.
I’ll get you next time, though! Next time!
Hey WordPress remembered me today! How unusual.
And I scare a lot of people 🙂 But I don’t really know why. I’m just a big, cuddly Teddy Bear masquerading as a Human.
Hey! Me too! Are you sure you’re not my long-lost twin brother?
Careful, man. Unexpected twins often turn out to be evil. (He doesn’t have a goatee, does he?)
I don’t have a goatee, but I DO have a goatee-ish beard!
And I am so not evil.