I’m sick as a dog, but I already got this screenshot together last week, so I can still do this:

I have come to realize that I’m on a real RPG kick and I need to get off of it. I’ve no doubt Warren will identify this game in a microsecond.
Anyhoo, name and developer, please.
Dark Sun 🙂 SSI.
Oooh, wrong! So sorry! Thanks for playing, though.
but but NO …
I would give that to him…
Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands
This reply have nothing to do with your post but we have read somewhere that some of you have been part of gizmondo !! So here it is .. do you know if it still gizmondo who own’s the rights to the Richard Burns Rally track editing tools ? Coz, we (the community) have just signed a petition (700 signatures so far) in order to acquire x-tracking and kangaroo for tracks modding. Plz, we need theses tools for keeping this game alive ! Who owns theses tools ? SCi, Warthog(Gizmondo Europe) ??? How can we contact them? We hope you’ll understand, plz answer us ..
The RBR Community.
Okay, I guess technically I could give it to him, but he’s supposed to be the Iron Gameguesser here, so I don’t feel too bad about holding out for the specific game.
And sorry Tom, but that’s not right either.
BOO! So it *IS* a Dark Sun game! I knew it! Dark Sun : Shattered Lands or Wake of the Ravager? I only played the first one, whichever that was. :-/
Okay, okay, it’s Dark Sun 2: Wake of the Ravager. You got it. Now you’re retired!
rbrcommunity: Unfortunately, Gizmondo Studios Texas was not responsible for Richard Burns Rally on the Gizmondo, and I’m not sure what studio was. But doubtless the ownership of those tools and IPs are just as muddled as the ownership of Hit & Myth. I don’t even know who you would submit your petition to. I’m sorry.
RBR was done by Warthog Sweden. I’m not sure who owns the software now, though.
You seem just a little too gleeful over retiring me. O.o. I’ll blame your cold 🙂
Yeah, sorry about that. I was not feeling well and was not at full brain capacity. I probably shouldn’t have posted at all. I’m feeling much better now, although I’m still coughing my lungs out.
If in the future you wish to privately mail me your answer, I will note once the contest is concluded that you, the Iron Gameguesser, were also correct. If you were correct of course.