I’m using a better grass texture (although it still looks weird since that’s the only texture) and I’m now using a plasma I generated for my heightfield data. And I finally have units.
The unit is a simple billboarded quad. He moves autonomously across the terrain and his height is being constantly adjusted to match that of the terrain below him. I can’t pick him yet, but I can drop as many of them on the heightfield as I want…and now that I think about it, a horde of them would have made a much better-looking screenshot. Ah, well.
Next up, unit and terrain picking. Oooh, that’s going to be a pain. You may say, “Just grab some existing code!” and yeah, that would work, but the whole point of this is to understand all this stuff.
Once I get picking, I will probably go ahead and implement a very simple, fairly standard RTS using the classic three types (barbarian, warrior and archer) just so I can get the interface right.
Or I might just put in a god power or two. Picking a unit would make it possible to zap said unit with the lightning of Zeus! Which would be fun.
Viridian, this looks really good. You seem able to work on a project, get a working screenshot, switch to another project with a working screenshot, do it all again before I can get my first project looking even halfway decent. I will say that seeing your progress is helping to motivate me to keep working. Keep up the good work.
Wow. That’s high praise. Thanks! I think the thing that makes it look like I’m more productive than I am is that at this point, I’ve got a half-decent framework. I can start up a new project and start throwing shapes at the screen in just a few minutes, and from a screenshot it almost looks like a game!