Well, I got band-selection working in Planitia last night. For the record, that’s where you select multiple units by dragging the mouse to form a box around them. So I really should be posting an update.
But I’m not.
Because I have yet to figure out how to actually draw the box using D3D. I figured out how to do billboarded, “fake 2D with 3D” stuff in OpenGL, but haven’t figured out how to do it in D3D yet. I spent as much time trying and failing to draw the box as I did debugging my band selection code. It’s quite frustrating.
Hopefully I’ll fix it and be able to upload an example video tonight.
Next: Now that all the controls are in, I can finally implement some combat!
What about switching the projection matrix into an orthogonal mode while drawing the box, then flipping back into perspective to render the rest of the world?
That’s exactly what I’m trying to do, but I was unsuccessful last night for reasons that are not entirely clear. But I was tired and cranky last night; I’ve no doubt that I’ll sit down at my computer tonight and it’ll just fall into place. And then we can get on to the killing!