My recent reinstall of WordPress in an effort to fix comments broke the site in IE.
Therefore I will be running the default skin until I can find one that I like and that the little problem child browser can run successfully.
My recent reinstall of WordPress in an effort to fix comments broke the site in IE.
Therefore I will be running the default skin until I can find one that I like and that the little problem child browser can run successfully.
The armies are arrayed – and even have hit point bars!
And the warriors and barbarians can even fight each other!
So why no demo? Well, technically I could release one but you guys probably wouldn’t be that happy with it. First off, the archers don’t work. None of the units control the way you would expect them to control if you’ve played an RTS before. I need to do some more work on how they move and attack and what they do when they don’t have any direct orders. Hopefully I will get that done this week.
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