Time for another Name That Game! Sorry for missing last week. And sorry for the Mac screenshot, but this was the best one I could find. The PC version was basically identical.

As is should be pretty obvious, this is a 4X space game, but it’s relatively lesser-known. Its two best features were ease of play (much easier than any of the “heavies” of this genre) and multiplayer.
Name and developer, please! Your reward? Hmmm…okay, the next time we play Soul Calibur II, I’ll totally let you win! Promise!
Spaceward Ho! by Delta Tao software.
And I was going to beat you at SCII anyways.
Aw, I was just coming to post that.
I wasted many hours on Spaceward Ho! long ago, probably more than I wasted on Strategic Conquest, if that’s even possible.
Nathan: Your answer is correct. Your boast, of course, is not. I will see you upon the field of battle! Welcome back to the stage of history!
I love the data in space games like this. The planet names are always so delightfully nerdy. Barsoom? Maia? Chock full of nerd gems.
And in Spaceward Ho, winning a game allows you to add a new planet name to the list, so you can even customize the nerdiness!
hmm. the Master of Orion scout threw me off. tricksy!