Yet another RPG set in the Final Frontier. Where do I keep finding them?

This was actually a good game, and as designed it was intended to be a sequel to a well-known space RPG series, but the developer could not get the rights to the name.
Name and developer, please! Bonus points if you can also tell me what name this game was supposed to have.
Protostar: War on the Frontier
Published and developed by Tsunami Games in 1993.
And it was intended to be Starflight III
You are absolutely correct on all points! Did you play it or did you research it?
I’m afraid I just internet researched that one. I started with Star Control and flipped around Wikipedia until I found the right anecdote.
I would have guessed starflight =)
I actually own this! Came across it on at a computer show in 1996. It’s on a CD-ROM that has a track that is a developer interview talking about how it was supposed to be Starflight 3.
I was surprised to hear that! Given that I didn’t like it much, I was kind of glad of that it wasn’t 🙂
Hey I had or have this game gotta look in the white boxes in the garage. Its kind of like the final scene of Indiana Jones and the lost ark in there. But this game was good it had some problems though. The mouse controlled the flight and not very well. And finally my game locked up half way through so I never saw the end other than what happened when you ran out of money. It was like an early version of Privateer. Now the best part of this game was the ship schematics that came in the box. I really thought I had put those aside thinking I’d model them in 3d one day…too bad they are lost. Once I came out to my garage at 1am and there was this old bum looking guy stealing all of my old game software. After I asked him what he was doing I told him to take what he needed but don’t leave a mess. I’m like that but I never checked to see what he took. It was all DOS software anyway. But now I’d like to have at least had the artwork. BIOSHOCK the first game with Shodan in it etc. Ah well.