If you’ll recall, I mentioned that last week’s game failed because it was released before the PC was capable of doing arcade games. Now let’s look at a game from the golden era of PC arcade games!

After the success of Commander Keen the shareware scene was just flooded with platformers, most of which weren’t nearly as good. I really liked this one myself, though.
Name and developer, please! If you win I’ll tell you what the secret game I’m working on is!
Hocus pocus – APOGEE 🙂
Ack! Only half credit – Apogee was the publisher, not the developer! Quick, name the developer before you have to share credit with someone else!
Hocus Pocus by Moonlite Software. I’ll give it to Mika, though, since I wouldn’t have known it otherwise.
All right, GB and Mika split credit this time, so I’m going to tell you and only you what my next game is. It’s a quick-and-dirty MOO-style game called Spacesploitation! Don’t tell anybody, okay?
Your secret is safe with me!
MOO-style? So, its about space-cows?
Yes, the cows of orion!
You have gone FAR off the beaten track in my absence! By which I mean, my beaten path. Or unbeaten, since I never played any of these recent Name That Game Games. Can’t beat what you never played.
I can hear you now, thinking, “WTF is Warren drinking?”. I am not.
Maybe I should be?
I digress. Often.