When I saw all of those ships appear at once, I thought, “Oh, no! The Gazurtoid found him!” Then I laughed loud when it turned out to be the Copyright Protection Police. B-)
What would have happened if you put in the wrong security code then?
They would blow you to bits, of course. And because of Starflight’s funky save system, if you didn’t have a backup of your previous save file, this would render your game unplayable. The Copyright Police in Starflight do NOT mess around.
Hm. I wonder if the cloaking device would have worked even when it’s not analyzed (as it’s automatic).. and if not, then the device that screams in radio signals would probably not have been a problem either.
No, the devices don’t need to be analyzed in order to work, you just analyze them to find out what they do. Notice how as soon as I picked up the Dodecahedron the number of ship contact messages went way up.
When I saw all of those ships appear at once, I thought, “Oh, no! The Gazurtoid found him!” Then I laughed loud when it turned out to be the Copyright Protection Police. B-)
What would have happened if you put in the wrong security code then?
They would blow you to bits, of course. And because of Starflight’s funky save system, if you didn’t have a backup of your previous save file, this would render your game unplayable. The Copyright Police in Starflight do NOT mess around.
Hm. I wonder if the cloaking device would have worked even when it’s not analyzed (as it’s automatic).. and if not, then the device that screams in radio signals would probably not have been a problem either.
No, the devices don’t need to be analyzed in order to work, you just analyze them to find out what they do. Notice how as soon as I picked up the Dodecahedron the number of ship contact messages went way up.