All right, here it is! The first LAN multiplayer version of Planitia!
Of course, cleaning up the multiplayer wasn’t the only thing I did to it. You may be asking, “What took so long?”
Um…well, this.

That’s right – new units that actually animate! Many, many thanks to my friend Ryan Clark for doing the Photoshop work on these so I could focus on the programming angle and get them in quickly. Right now only movement animations work; I’ll get idle and attack animations in very soon.
Of course, you’re probably wondering where you can get this masterpiece! Well…
Click here to download the most recent version of Planitia! Please read the readme file if you have trouble starting a multiplayer game.
And please either comment on this post or send me email at if you have any suggestions or criticism!
Its pretty fun, except my town refuses to get bigger since people keep lightninging me :(. Good job so far 😀
woops…sorry i forgot to add that my soldiers and whatnot don’t seem to actually be doing any damage to the other towns. I know you haven’t implemented the fighing animations yet, but they don’t seem to be doing ANYTHING.
Too! i had this problem where i would press a direction (WAS or D) and it would fling me accross the map and i would start to slow down but never stop. Worked fine after i closed the game, but just saying it could be an error.
Yes, it’s possible that something wonky is going on with the soldiers…I’ll need to test a bit more. Also, I’ve seen other people with that problem (the camera jumps across the screen) but I haven’t been able to replicate it yet…I’ll get it fixed, though.
Thank you very much for taking the time to try out my game!
Lovely game, even the golems are animated now. 🙂
I have a bit of an issue with the fireball power (the blue flag thing) where if you use it on stationary units or score a direct hit they’ll go flying; the little dots on the minimap sometimes end up going outside the play area!
I just tried the demo but it appears my Q6600 with 4 GB RAM and GF8800GTS was not enough to handle it. Once I got few farmers up, frame rate dropped down to unplayable and GUI got really sluggish. It looked very promising though. The land molding option is a bit weird though. I did not figure it out how to control whether the land rises or lowers when I use it. It seemed a bit random to me.