This poor game…ahead of its time, developed by a small, easily-overlooked company, with a couple of absolutely cripping design decisions…everything that makes for a great tragedy.

Name and developer, please! If you win, I’ll mention you in my next video!
No guess, but intrigued still.
No guess here either. Looks neato though.
Urban Chaos by Mucky Foot.
Don’t quite remember if I ever played this, but the screenshot does look familiar. It looks a bit like “Die Hard Trilogy” which was also a very hard, very frustrating and very fun game.
Yay! Somebody got it!
Yes, this was the first game Mucky Foot ever shipped and it was ambitious as all hell…too bad the hour-long missions with no checkpoints and no saving coupled with some really twitchy controls prevented it from being all it could be.
Urban Chaos by Mucky Foot Productions. I played this one :3
Ooooh this is the famous Mucky Foot developers. I read a sort of post-mortem about them not too long ago on some gaming site. They seemed really interesting, but I can’t say that I’ve played any of their games.
Also, Urban Chaos was the name for one of my favorite late era games for Xbox and PS2. It got immediately dismissed as a generic FPS, but I found the presentation super charming, and it had a multiplayer component that was a blast (which was unusual for the time).
Handshakes: Technically, that was Urban Chaos: Riot Response. I’ll stop being a pedant now.
And thanks for bringing up that article, I’d forgotten all about it. It was in the Escapist, and you can read it right here:
It’s actually just Urban Chaos. If that is a PC screen shot. The Riot Response was added for the console versions which came out later.
And there’s the link.
@Dave: You are talking about two different games there. The game Viridian has in the screenshot is just straight up Urban Chaos, which also got ported to the Playstation I believe.
I was talking about Urban Chaos: Riot Response, which is a completely different game and came out many years later.
For a second there you got me excited that there was an Urban Chaos: Riot Response for PC, which I would snatch up in a second.
Of course, if you really want to be confused there is also Urban Terror from Splash Damage, which was a Quake 3 Counter-Strike-esq mod that turned retail.
I’m late to the thread but can’t resist chiming in on this game. I really enjoyed it. It kind of laid down the template that Grand Theft Auto 3 followed a couple of years later. And it had the equivalent of Crackdown’s orbs hidden all over the levels to boost your speed, agility, and so forth.
It is a shame that the publisher reused the “Urban Chaos” name later on another unrelated game, thus rendering the original game virtually invisible on the Internet.