Video game characters are often shallow, 2D, cardboard cutouts. And sometimes they have names to match. Video games somehow get away with giving their characters names that would be laughed out of the literary or cinema realms. Probably because video games don’t have editors.
The worst part is when a character endures and is finally given a decent backstory and gets a fan base…because now you’ve got a cool character attached to a cruddy name (I’m looking straight at you, Solid Snake).
So here are eight of the worst video game chracter names I’ve ever seen. They’re either generic, unassuming, rote, trite, hackneyed, overly macho or just completely inappropriate. Can you name the games they are from? And remember – when you cheat, you only cheat yourself.
1. Blake Stone
2. Cutter Slade
3. Edge Maverick
4. B.J. Blazkowicz
5. Sol Badguy
6. John Dalton
7. Lo Wang
8. Royd Clive
Bonus: Chet Awesomelaser
Good luck! If you win, I’ll put you in my game and I promise I won’t use the Random Character Name Generator to name you!