Well, I guess I should just be happy that I managed to have a game shown there…but I would really have liked to have gone, at least once. I never thought that the day would come when there wasn’t an E3 to look forward to in May.
And how will the poor Gamespot editors assert their superiority over each other and us now?
And now Gabe and Tycho are making noises about how PAX could become the next E3. Something tells me that they simply have no idea how much trouble they are making for themselves by suggesting that.
That would end up destroying them, I think. But as far as E3 goes, think about what it’ll do for development cycles. You’ll no longer have this annual event that you plan and crunch for 2 months out of the year. There will be be some dog and pony shows you might want to crunch for, but for the most part, I think this will give the devs an easier, smoother year on average. Not an E3 went by that I wasn’t working my ass off for at least 6 weeks before hand. I’d be glad to be out of that loop.
[whine]Yeah, but I wanted to go![/whine]
Well, gaming really only had one spectacular event a year and now it’s gone. I don’t know, it almost seems like there’s very little to look forward to any more as a gamer. Except the release of the Wiivolution, of course.
I fully expect to hear that the GDC has been cancelled the instant I finally have enough money to go.
The GDC has always been the one I’ve been more interested in going to anyway.
You could go to PAX….