I had to nuke over a hundred comment spams today. They all got caught by the moderation filter and none made it onto the site, but it’s getting ridiculous.
Therefore I have started using the blacklist. I didn’t really want to do it, but I don’t really have a choice. Posts with blacklisted words now get insta-nuked – they don’t come to me for moderation. They’re just sent straight to the bit bucket. So if you post a comment and it doesn’t appear, it’s possible you’ve used a blacklisted word.
(What are the blacklisted words? Well, if I use one, this post won’t show up so I can’t tell you. Just look inside your own spam filters for examples. I will say that talking about various parts of male and female anatomy, modern popular chemicals, and certain card games will trigger the filter.)
I hate to do this, because it puts part of the onus on you guys to not use certain words or phrases in your posts, but I just don’t have the time to visually look through a hundred comments a day and see which ones are valid and which ones are spam. Sorry, guys.
Oh! So I guess this means you won’t buy my {insert popular male performance enhancement drug here}
I have been a bit busy and haven’t had the chance to throw any comments your way, but the Planitia project seems to be coming along nicely. It is nice to be able to see those striking changes in the early stages.