After a whole lot of work last weekend (and a lot of help from Ryan) I finally managed to get Planitia’s frame rate up and keep it up even when terrain morphing.
As much as I would have liked to put terrain.cpp to bed, I wanted to do two more things – make the terrain look less tiled, and make the water look more interesting.
So I did.

And I updated the demo so that anyone who wants to try it out can. Performance should be greatly improved, but there’s no new functionality (yet).
Now I need A* on the General. After that, no added features should really impact the frame rate. In theory.
I still feel I’m on track to have the first playable alpha version out by the end of August.
– You may wish to add some kind of delay between volcano spawns, as launching two near each other in a rapid pace ends up in something.. weird.
– Talking of weird, scrolling away from your town and then jumping to your general by right-clicking it blows something up, big time.
Darn. The computer at work doesn’t have DX9 installed. I can’t even try it out here!
Another reason to use OpenGL =)
Sigh…I seem to recall mentioning earlier that the whole reason I started this project was because I needed to learn DirectX.
Oops, so you did =)
For what it’s worth – I’ve been recording some of my demos and uploading them to youtube (, and I’m having trouble with the opengl ones. “Stuff..” was a directx7 app and it recorded without any problems. “Line age” doesn’t want to get recorded.. “traumatique” crashes at some point, but being a dx5 (iirc) application it records fine until crashing..
Oh, man, I can commiserate. I’ve been trying for WEEKS to get some clean video of Dungeon Keeper so I can do a video blog on it. Fraps won’t do it. CamStudio won’t do it. If I run the DOS version under DOSBox I can get it there, but my computer isn’t fast enough to run Dungeon Keeper under DOSBox and record at the same time without slowdown.
I managed to get an okay recording of Dungeon Keeper using
It’s a bit laggy when you select worlds so I didn’t include that.
Yep, that’s pretty much exactly what I’m looking for. Unfortunately, my processor is aging and can’t quite keep up.
I can help you record it if I knew what you wanted to show. Your Powermonger blog was very good so it would be fun to hear what you have to say about this game.