Posting’s been kind of light recently…I haven’t had that much to talk about. Mostly because the gaming scene is very console-heavy right now and I don’t own any of the current generation of consoles so…I haven’t played anything new in a while.
But I have been working on Planitia and I hopefully will have a new version for you guys to try out real soon. What’s the holdup? Well…
Okay, so I’ve got all the god powers implemented in a very basic fashion. But I haven’t yet upgraded the AI to be able to deal with them yet, so it’s now trivial to beat the computer. But I do need to get started tweaking and balancing the god powers. What to do?
The answer? Well…add multiplayer.
‘Sright. I’ve been working hard on the multiplayer version of Planitia and I’m hoping to have it ready to test by the end of May at the latest. If I can get enough people interested, it should be pretty easy to get the god powers balanced. I’ll then write an AI for the single-player version that can deal with the player’s power set.
But that’s not the only thing I want to do. I also want to start doing at least one ten-minute video a month – either a video blog, a spotlight on an existing game, or something more involved like a Let’s Play. In fact, there are two games I’m seriously thinking of Let’s Playing – System Shock 2 and Starflight.
So there you have it! I’ve got absolutely nothing for you, but I might in the future! Isn’t that great?!
Recent PC games… did you play Eschalon? Eschalon was awesome. E
Best PC game of 2007, dammit… except for, you know, Portal… and BioShock… and Sims:Castaway Stories… okay look, my claim is getting steadily weaker here but that’s not the point. The point is “play Eschalon. It rocks.”
On second thought, don’t play Eschalon. I want to see that multiplayer!
Um…I downloaded Eschalon and installed it…and then I took one look at the character creation screen and just couldn’t do it. I know, it’s an old-school kind of game, but frankly I’m sick of having to spend an hour before I get to play the game making decisions that I’ve got no information about.
I’ll try it again at some point.
Agreed. The blind-character-creation is annoying, and it seems like lots of shareware RPGs make you do that.
My approach is to play with a default character for an hour or so, to get a feel for the game. Then I start over with a custom-made character after I know what I’m doing.
I would not worry about your lack of posting recently. Your post on the Starleague video got me back into playing StarCraft. I had been looking for a new game to play, but “new” was an unnecessary constraint. I forgot how much fun StarCraft is.
I’ve got a friend here at work who is a stupendous console game fan. I asked him if he played PC games and he said the only one he’d ever played was StarCraft. And I told him, “You know, if you’re only going to play one, that’s certainly on the list of which one to pick.”