We’re wasting away again in RPG-a-ville.

This game has an interesting history…which I can’t talk about until someone guesses it. So, name and developer, please! If you win, I’ll let you try out my new machine that digitizes people and puts them inside the computer! You’ll be able to play the games as if you’re actually there! Don’t worry, the theory is perfectly sound…what could go wrong?
Questron II developed by Westwood Associates.
Thanks, MobyGames!
Now, on with the history lesson!
Grrr…der interneten makes it so that all these are too easy due to the ease of research, or practically impossible. It’s quite annoying.
ANYhoo, the original Questron was written by a one-man-band named Charles Dougherty and published by SSI. After Questron became a success, Electronic Arts wooed Dougherty away. Since his next game couldn’t be a Questron (since he sold SSI the IP) he created a new game called Legacy of the Ancients; if you look at screenshots for LotA versus Questron you may have trouble telling them apart. The interfaces in particular are practically identical.
So SSI struck back by taking the Questron name and farming it out to another company to do a new game with. That game was Questron II, of course. The company? Westwood Associates, who would later rename themselves Westwood Studios and invent the modern RTS genre with Dune II and Command & Conquer.
>Grrr…der interneten makes it so that all these are too
>easy due to the ease of research, or practically
>impossible. It’s quite annoying.
I wouldn’t be annoyed. You’ve made a few people (at least) do research on these games, and every now and then we’ve had rather interesting discussions on them.
Yeah, I’ve learned about so many games for DOS and the Apple ][ from the 80s just by trying to solve your NTGs!
I expect to meet Tron.