Current Weight: 320.1
Delta: Gain of 1.8 pounds
Number of days this week I walked an hour: 5
Number of days this week I ate fewer than 2000 calories: 2
I’ve got the exercise habit down. It’s the food thing that’s much harder. I think the hardest part is when it gets late, I’ve been working on my programming, and I don’t want to go to bed hungry.
I don’t know if you’re measuring weight only once a week or so, but here’s what we did when my wife was trying (and well, succeeding) to lose weight:
– Measure every day
– Draw a graph!
– Don’t worry about daily values; a weekly running average gives much more realistic results.
As to the diet.. I’m no expert, so I won’t even try going in that. (And even experts tend to disagree).
Please be careful when looking at your statistics. Your weight will initially GO UP when you start an excersize regimen. You are building and strengthening muscle, which weighs more than fat. The good news is that all that new muscle you are adding is an “active metabalizer” and will then begin to burn up your excess fat; which will cause you to loose weight. It is a slow process. The important part is to get into healthy habits and then keep them. The weight will then just take care of itself.