And now we’re on the device – or at least the simulator.

The game loop is now running on the iPhone Simulator on the Mac. All drawing is now being done by OpenGL instead of SDL (which has been completely purged from the project). I haven’t implemented the new input controls so you can’t actually play the game yet, but there it is. I expect quick progress from here.
Neato. So does the iPhone Simulator really draw the iPhone with the app running like that? Normally I’d just assume this was a funny photoshop, but with Macs you never can tell what zanyness they will do.
Yep, the simulator really does draw the iPhone like that. The buttons even work.
Didn’t want to try out SDL 1.3 on the iphone?
No, not really, not when there are precreated OpenGL-ES templates for the iPhone in XCode and it’s easy enough to draw sprites in OpenGL.
@handshakes: for some odd reason all mobile device SDKs work like that. It’s for the ambience or something. So that you don’t forget what your app will look like “in the device”, or some such.
@Viridian: Nice progress!