What? Could it be? A new Name That Game!? Yes!
This one shouldn’t be hard at all. This game was all the rage back when I was at Origin. It started off as a free game and…kind of died when it became a pay game, probably because it was darn fun, but didn’t have enough depth to justify X dollars a month.
Name and developer, please! If you win, I promise that next time I’ve got you in my sights, I won’t shoot you down no matter how much juicy cargo you’re carrying.
Goodness this brings back memories!
SubSpace by Virgin Interactive Entertainment (I’ll always say that with Patrick Stewart’s voice thanks to Lands of Lore).
I used to play this for hours on end into the wee hours of the morning. I didn’t know what became of it. Apparantly it is still around in some form or another.
Woo, that was fast. And you are correct, sir!
Man, I used to play this game for hours… great NTG entry
Damn, I’m late again! Yes, Subspace fell into my university period, and I played it wuite a lot and was very impressed. I remember the Soccer play mode as one of the rather odd things it had.
Another game I’ve totally missed.