This week’s theme is “From Tiny Acorns…”

Aaaaaand, other than telling you it was an action-adventure-puzzle game using DOS text mode (which you could probably figure out just from the screenshot), I’m not giving anything away on this one. It should be easy enough 🙂
Name and developer, please! And for a twist, I want the developer’s actual name.
Kingdom of Krotz, Scott Miller
Alternatively, this could be ZZT by Tim Sweeney.
In both cases, “From Tiny Acorns..”
No, it can’t be ZZT because ZZT has a status bar on the right side and Kingdom of Kroz does not. So it’s Kingdom of Kroz. Thanks for ruining next week’s “Name That Game”, though!
Actually I should have written “This Month’s Theme” instead of “This Week’s Theme”. And it’s okay, I’m sure I can find something else. And hey, it’s not like anybody READS THIS WEBSITE ANYWAY SOB
This is too easy, by looking at the very first comment I’m able to tell you that this is in deed Kingdom of Krotz by Scott Miller. Try not to give it away in the comments section 😉 😛
Actually thats “Kroz”
I always forget the name until I remember it is “Zork” backwards
(or is Zork kroz bakwards? which came first?”
I had some fun times with good ol Kroz, and ZZT, back in the day…
Yes, it’s “Kroz”, and yes, “Kroz” was “Zork” spelled backwards. Believe me, Zork came first. It’s almost as old as I am.
Too old for me!