Okay! Let’s talk about expectations vs. reality.
I was recently hired by Somanetics to do some refactoring of their codebase and fix some graphical issues with one of their embedded devices. My contract was to last six months, after which Somanetics would have the option to hire me. When my current boss introduced me to one of the VPs and described what I could do, the VP became excited at the thought of how a “real” graphics programmer could improve the software. As we walked out of his office, my current boss remarked, “You probably just doubled your contract!”
Now, I knew that Somanetics had been bought recently, but that didn’t seem to be affecting day-to-day operations of the company.
So everything was fine. Hunky to the dorey, in fact…until last Wednesday.
When we discovered that our new parent was closing this office upon completion of our current project.
Fortunately, the other contractors and I are considered essential to the completion of said current project, so we’ll stay on until probably the first of next year. Then I’m going to be unemployed again.
It’s almost as if Fate or Destiny or the Great Will of the Macrocosm is saying, “Look, man. GO INDIE. How many companies do we have to destroy before you get it? Just do it! Just trust yourself and do it!”
I know you’re out of games and I know you’re not into moving away any time soon. But I feel I must say that BioWare Austin does have many programmer positions currently open and actively hiring. And I’m not saying this just to get an iPad. I’m saying this because I know you’d like it here.
Do it!
Wow, the economy is really bad, what is this the second job you lost in less than a month?!? Damn fucking dilhole-a-frekin shit!
Jesus Viridian, how many companies must die? Stop the destruction! Go Indie! (but you should probably also be gainfully employed somewhere…)
Flux capacitor…, let’s get us a time travelling car so we can go back to the end of the 80ties, beginning of 90ties when games were still cool. I know, let’s go back to 19teen 80tie-5 (!!!), and kill Sid Meier, then we can do Civilization and Silent Service!
Lame Brain: When I look back in my work history, all but one company has ceased to exist, in one way or another. And some of these have been in the 10000+ employer category.