In this episode of Name that Game, all the games described involve humans aiding eldritch abominations (or something equally powerful) in the hopes that they’ll be rewarded after said abomination has eaten everyone else. Needless to say, this never works out well, but they keep trying…
1. In this fantasy game, a man creates a cult to serve as the means to open a gateway so that a powerful, dimension-hopping magical entity can enter the world and take over. He ultimately dies when he badly bumbles a ritual, not only tearing him to pieces but allowing three evil shades to take possession of three members of your party.
2. In this fantasy game, umm…a man creates a cult to serve as the means to open a gateway so that a powerful, dimension-hopping magical entity can enter the world and take over. You finally defeat him by entering the world he has created in his mind and killing him, then go on to deal with the demon…in a rather oblique way.
3. In this horror game, you play as a man desperately searching through a nearly abandoned town for your daughter…who you eventually discover has been kidnapped by cultists so they can sacrifice it to their elder god so he can enter the world and take over. And unless you’ve done everything right, they win.
4. In this fantasy game, living cultists willfully aid undead wizards and warlocks and help them achieve their goals in the hopes that they will become powerful. (Instead, of course, they become zombies.) Then after they’re dealt with, more cultists willfully aid an extraterrestrial-extradimensional being’s attempt to return to this world, knowing full well the death and destruction he’ll bring, again because they think THEY’LL be spared and made more powerful. After THEY bite the dust, even MORE cultists release an imprisoned, insane dragon who believes he is the personification of death itself. His attacks scar and change the entire world, and he makes no bones about the fact that his goal will be fulfilled only when every living creature is dead…yet the cultists continue to fight for him, believing that “death” is code for “change that benefits me somehow”. The people of this world are SO stupid.
5. In this game set in World War II, a single secret agent is sent deep into enemy territory to investigate claims that the Nazis are trying to summon supernatural forces to help them. They are. The agent trails them through several locales, slaughtering tons of Nazis along the way, but arrives just in time to see the summoned demon turn all the Nazis involved in the ritual into his undead thralls. Of course, since he’s a one-man-army, he manages to destroy the demon along with his entire crew.
6. In this post-apocalyptic game (see, I have to keep mentioning the setting ’cause the plots are so similar), there’s a church full of people serving/protecting something in the basement. That something, it turns out, has a hobby of taking “pure” (IE, non-irradiated) humans and turning them into horrible, hulking, asexual brutes capable only of the most base reasoning, which it then plans to unleash upon the few remaining knots of civilization left.
7. In this game, a young man who has lost a young woman he cares about makes a deal with the Ultimate Evil, who tasks him with killing the sixteen guardians who hold him in check. After doing so, the Ultimate Evil does bring the young woman back from the dead…before promptly possessing the young man.
Good luck and have fun!
Totally stumped, but made me realize there’s lots more games with similar storylines =)
1. I am thinking Blood, but it doesn’t really fit.
2. Seems like Thief: the Dark Project, but again it doesn’t quite fit.
3. ???
4. ???
5. Catle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 3D, or Return to Castle Wolfenstein
6. Fallout
7. Shadow of the Colossus
This is a good one Viridian! I normally rock these “Name that Game” games, but this one has me a bit stumped! Looking forward to the reveal of answers!
Sorry, but neither 1 nor 2 are correct.
Now, you cheated a little on number 5, reminding me of Gollum’s “string, or nothing!” third guess in The Hobbit. But the game was indeed Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Neither of the other two games had a supernatural element. Um…except for that one level where you fought zombies, but they were being created by an evil Nazi scientist.
You are right on the money with 6 and 7, though.
1. Ultima 7
2. ?
3. Silent Hill?
5. Wolfenstein, natch.
6. Fallout? (Never played it. Just throwing a post apoc game name out there)
This week is tough.
1. Correct!
3. Correct!
5. Correct!
6. Correct!
So that just leaves #4…what could it BE?
#4 Is totally World of Warcraft! I guess no body cares about the lore anymore. (sigh)
Correct! I thought the whole description of Deathwing and the Twilight’s Hammer would totally give it away, but it turned out to be the hardest one.
#2 is still not guessed..
You’re right! It’s not! And since it’s been a day, I guess I have to spoil (you’re gonna kick yourselves…)
2. Oblivion
1. Ultima 7
– Didn’t finish
2. Oblivion
– Only played a bit at the beginning, hated it
3. Silent Hill
– Never played it
4. World of Warcraft
– Not touching it, I have too little time as it is.. =)
5. Wolfenstein
– Don’t remember the storyline _that_ well
6. Fallout
– Wasn’t this just a small sideplot?
7. Shadow of the Colossus
– Never played it
1. Sol_HSA didn’t finish U7? For shame! It definitely warrants a replay, especially since if you stick to the main quest (which isn’t really the point, I know) the game is actually really short.
2. I never got around to beating Oblivion, or any of the Elder Scrolls games. I love them, but I end up ditching the main quest and getting lost in the world for days. I’m usually bored with the game by the time the main quest pops back up.
3. Never played this either.
4. Yuck.
5. How many games have nazi magic? Since nobody played Operation Darkness, it must be Wolf3D.
6. Never played this one, but the post-apoc thing isn’t done all that often.
7. Never played it.
1. Ultima 7: Never played it, but I read a lets play
2. Oblivion: played the HELL out of it, kicking myself repeatadly.
3. Silent Hill: I never play Playstation Games. Not really a genre choice, I have just never had those systems…
4. World of Warcraft: I don’t like paying monthly for games I basically play as single player.
5. Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Love me Nazi Zombie Killing!
6. Fallout: Love Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, and I am currently rocking New Vegas!
7. Shadow of the Colossus: again, it is a playstation game. Still this one is artistic enough that I was interested enough to look it up when it came out…
I’ve never actually finished an ultima game. I’ve spent a lot of time on 4,5,6 and 7, but never finished any of them. *Sigh*. At one point I decided to run through 4 cheating heavily, but one of the quests bugged and stayed on – possibly due to my cheating – and that was that.
Can’t remember which quest, but it would be funny if it was the honesty one. =)