Category: Planitia

Planitia Update 21: Come Together

And it is.

It's almost a game.

The GUI is now nearly complete. In this screenshot you see me using the Flatten Land tool to smooth out the land around my city so it can expand. The three tabs on the GUI work (I’m quite proud of that). The first tab has all the icons for your god powers, of course. The blue bar is your mana bar. The second tab is your army screen, and has buttons that allow you to recruit new archers, warriors and barbarians. It also has a button that allows you to select and zoom to your general. The third tab is the options tab. It will eventually contain most game options but right now it just contains the quit button.

The Flatten Land and Lightning Bolt god powers have basic functionality, and Lightning Bolt throws units around just like it should. I’m very happy with the physics – much happier than anything I got with ODE.

I will be releasing a second demo on July 31. There may not be a “game” in there yet, as I may not be able to get an AI implemented in time, but you will at least be able to run the program, make villages, build your army, get mana and use god powers. I’ll at least put in some enemy villages for you to abuse, since they are autonomous. I’m going to want lots of feedback, specifically on how well the game performs on various systems.

Planitia Update 20: Who Came Up With Particle Man?

Why, I did, of course.

Making them butterflies was Megan's idea.

All right. Particles, terrain, two hundred units in the world simulation and picking and I’ve still got 70 frames per second. I’m quite happy.

I’ve really only got one more subsystem to implement – the A* pathfinding for the general unit. I’m going to leave the villagers and soldiers pretty stupid…it’s no fun to throw a bunch of swamps down around a village if the villagers then simply expertly navigate around them, is it?

After that…well, I really think that the majority of the game systems will be in place, and it’ll just be a matter of implementing the god powers, tweaking how villages grow and get created, and creating the story sequences and I just might have a game here.

Planitia Update 19: It looks exactly the same!

But, thanks to lots of help from Ryan, the frame rate has easily doubled. This should mean that I can go ahead and add particles and god powers and not have to worry about the frame rate any more. Note that I said “should”…

And if you’re an artist or modeller, check out Ryan’s new utility CrazyBump. It “creates normal maps directly from textures”. Not being an artist I don’t know what that means, but lots of people seem to like it.

Planitia Update 18: Want some code to go with those textures?

Truly not ugly.

Wow, I don't want to gouge my eyes out!

Fixed the sand/grass transition and implemented a minimap. It’s really starting to look like a game.

The thing that has been really slowing me down is a crasher…typically I’d make a code change, think I’d fixed it, and then I’d add a new feature or expand something and it would pop back up again. I really, really think I’ve fixed it this time (and greatly lowered the game’s memory requirements while doing so, which is a bonus).

At this point I need some god power buttons, a mana bar, and some rudimentary enemy AI and it’ll actually be a game. Something by the end of June? Perhaps. We’ll see.

Planitia Update 17: What the hell are you doing to that sheep?!


Which way is the sheep, George?

That three-by-three series of squares represents a town. (As I have mentioned earlier, I are no artist.) The villager is fetching food from the sheep (which currently has no AI and simply serves as a permanent food source) back to the village. When the village has enough food (or rather, has a large enough food income) it creates another villager, which…does the same thing. I should have them collecting wood as well very soon, and then it’ll be time to start tweaking how the village grows and shrinks based on the food and wood income and external events (like getting set on fire by a god power).

I’ve already got the village “wrapping” to fit to the terrain, so it’ll react appropriately to changes in the terrain height. Now I just need a little building to go in the middle, better textures…and the ability to grow.

And I’m aware that my beach-to-grass transition has gotten messed up. Can any eagle-eyed readers tell me why?

Planitia Design Pass: The Final Chapter

In this post I said that Planitia was basically going to be a remake of Populous II.

The problem is that Populous II doesn’t really need a remake. Populous II still rocks. It’s still just as fun now as it was then (and runs well under DOSBox, for those of you interested in trying it out). Yes it does have some minor interface quibbles and yes it’s annoying when you start a new land to discover that your best school of god powers has been banned, but those don’t actually prevent the game from still rocking.

(And I know some people out there are saying, “Minor interface quibbles! The interface on Populous II was just as bad as the one on Populous!” Well, that means that you never hit F7 while playing the game, which changes the interface from this:

Populous: The Beginning

To this:

Populous: The Beginning

Nice, huh? It looks and feels very modern and is much easier to use than the default interface. Populous II was the game where the Bullfrog boys finally figured out how to lay out a GUI.)

Also, remaking Populous II meant giving up on the world simulation that had been a part of Planitia’s design since it’s inception. That felt wrong.

In fact, there’s a lot about Planitia’s design that has been feeling wrong. Planitia as originally designed was going to consist of four elements:

  • A world simulation
  • An economy-building element
  • An RTS element, with direct control over military units
  • World-shaking, screen-destroying god powers

And I am currently unhappy with how every one of those elements feels.

I began to understand this when I was implementing the RTS input scheme. While I wanted direct control over military units in Planitia, I also wanted the RTS elements to be very light. I thought I could get that by trimming down the number of unit types to three, but as I implemented the control scheme for the RTS elements I realized that even with a small number of unit types, the input system was going to be very complicated – and it had to be, because that’s what people would expect. You got band selection? Yes. How about double-clicking a unit to select that unit type across the screen? Yes. Holding shift to add to the current selection? Yes… Assigning groups to function keys? Uh…well…I didn’t want it to be that complex.. Come on, man, how can you leave that out?

This is a YouTube video of master Warcraft III player Grubby doing his thing. Listen to the first minute or so of the match. What you are hearing is everything that is wrong with modern RTS design.

And here I was re-implementing it. It felt tedious and wrong, but what other way was there?

Then I played Powermonger, and my eyes were opened.

Now I’m sure you’re thinking “What the hell?! Viridian, you just completely castigated Powermonger in your video blog!”

True, but Powermonger does some things very right, and one of those things is the General. The General is a single “handle” through which you control your entire army. Thus you do not need to click on each individual unit and tell each individial unit what to do click click click click click. Want to move your army? Click the General and give him a move order; the entire army moves with him. Want to attack something? Click the General, have him attack it. The soldiers in his army are smart enough to just do the right thing in most circumstances. A lot of the player’s work goes away – and a lot of my work goes away as well. No more having to make sure units are far enough apart that they can be individually clicked on. (Because being able to do that is so important…)

Now you might be thinking, “Well, that takes a lot of control away from the player and thus won’t be that fun.” No, it probably wouldn’t be that fun…if that were the only gameplay element in Planitia. But it isn’t. It’s one of a series of elements that will support each other and (hopefully) make for a fun experience.

Playing Powermonger also reminded me of my love of little people. I share Peter Molyneux’s love for little people and I’ve always wanted to make a game that featured them. Thus, the world simulation is coming back. I have no idea how I’m going to do it, but I will do it because I want my own little people. Besides, that technology will really come in handy when I move on to 3D RPG That Really Needs A Name.

As for the economy-building…again, I’m stealing from Powermonger. On every Powermonger map are several pre-created villages, each one running a village simulation. Most of these villages start out neutral and you always start your conquest by finding the weakest one and taking it over.

Hmmm…pre-set villages that provide resources after aligning with a side…sounds like control points to me!

But control points can feel very tug-of-war, and frankly I hate tug-of-war games. So I may make it so that once a village reaches a certain size, people leave it and start another village nearby if suitable terrain can be found (and that’s your job, of course). So while there are initial control points you can also make your own if you can hold out long enough. That feels better. Remember, always give the player a way to trade time for skill (at least against the computer).

It’s weird…these decisions feel good. They feel right. They make me want to work on Planitia full-bore again. Will things change? Probably. But I feel like Planitia’s design has gelled now, which is something I frankly thought would never happen.

And goshwow…

When you know more about what it is you like about these games specifically, then a design will start to form.

You were right, Dave!

Planitia Update 16: Involuntary Game Makeover

(We now join an episode of Involuntary Game Makeover already in progress.)

Laurie: -and let’s see who we can find-

Bert: Oh, oh, yes-

Laurie: -definite candidate right here; Good evening, miss, what’s your name?

Planitia: Huh?

Laurie: What’s your name, miss?

Planitia: Oh…Planitia.

Laurie: Well, that’s certainly unique. (makes a face at the camera)

Bert: Okay, well, let’s take a look at you…

Planitia is coming together.

Laurie: Oh dear God…who picked out those textures?!

Planitia: My programmer…?

Bert: Programmer art.

Laurie: In this day and age.

Bert: One would think he cared more.

Planitia (irate): Hey, my programmer loves me!

Laurie: If he loved you, sweetie, he wouldn’t let you go out looking like that.

Planitia: Okay, okay. They’re old textures and they don’t really match. I know, I’m a fashion disaster.

Laurie: Oh, no, dear. You’re not a fashion disaster. You’re not even a fashion catastrophe. You, my dear, are a fashion apocalypse. If we let you walk around like that –

Bert: It will eventually unmake the universe.

Planitia (sobbing): He did the best he could!

Laurie: Well, now it’s time to see what a professional can do. Jón?

(Enter Jón Kristinsson riding a dazzling white horse. His shirt is unbuttoned down to his navel, showing much manly chest hair.)

Jón (in a vaguely Scandinavian accent): These are for you, my dear. I can’t wait to see how you look in them.

Planitia (swooning): Th-thank you, sir.

Bert: All right, let’s hustle her off to the dressing room; the show’s only a half-hour.

Laurie: And it turns out that your programmer gave us these accessories to complete your outfit.

Planitia: Gasp! Lighting! And alpha blending! And moving water! I’ve been wishing for these for ages! I told you he loved me!

Bert: Okay, sweetums, ready to dazzle us?

Planitia: Hang on a second, just let me finish adjusting these UV coordinates…all right, here I come!

Planitia is coming together.

Planitia: Oh my god! I’m beautiful! I’m beautiful!

Laurie: You always were sweetie. You always were.

And now you know what I’ve been doing for the past month. Graphics programming is deadly addictive stuff. Once you get a taste you do not want to stop because even small changes can have a big effect on how your game looks. Fortunately, I’m now extremely happy with how the game looks. I never thought it could look this good, and it’s almost all due to Jón Kristinsson, who volunteered to provide me with some greatly improved textures free of charge. He is a prince among men and smells real nice too. Check out everything on his site, and then hire him for your next project, ’cause he’s teh awesmoe!

So, the good news is that Planitia looks much better.

The bad news is when Jón waved those textures in my face and led me down the garden path of graphics, it seriously distracted me from my gameplay programming.

Thus, Planitia is probably going to end up pushed back again.

But it looks so pretty I couldn’t help it. And if I just added another layer of textures…no, NO! Must be strong! It’s time Planitia became a game rather than a tech demo.

Little Jabs of Pleasure

Okay! The reason I haven’t updated in a while is because I bought a copy of Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence.

I’m just getting around to playing MGS3 because I was so afraid it would be as bad as 2. Metal Gear Solid 2 was one of the worst games I ever played, yet it reviewed really well. Why? Because none of the reviewers had the balls to actually come out and say, “Uh…dude, this is one of the worst games I’ve ever played.” Thus, I didn’t feel I could trust all the glowing reviews MGS 3 got when it came out.

But it’s obvious that Hideo Kojima understood that he’d really screwed up with 2 and he had to hit 3 out of the park or his series would become an industry joke. Fortunately that’s exactly what he did.

I also recently completed Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, which is probably the best Castlevania game I’ve ever played (and yes, that means I’m saying it’s better than Symphony of the Night.) If you’ve never played Castlevania and want to try it and you have a GBA or DS, this is the game to get.

And I noticed something similar in both games. I’ve said before that game design is all about giving the player interesting, meaningful choices. I still believe that, but I think great games have a little something extra. They continually give the player a steady stream of small rewards, punctuating this stream with large rewards at regular intervals.

In MGS 3, every time you pick up a new weapon, item or food, you are rewarded twice. First with the object itself and second because you can then call your support team to ask them about the object. These conversations are always interesting and funny. And since you’re always coming across new stuff you get this steady stream of humor injected into the game from beginning to end. There are also hundreds of little secrets to discover in the game. One good one occurs if you save the game right after Snake gets tortured…he has a nightmare that you get to play through. Stuff like this also gives the game great replayability.

In Aria of Sorrow your character of Soma Cruz levels up as he fights monsters, but there’s an additional reward in that every time you kill a monster you have a chance to absorb that monster’s soul, giving you a new ability. The range of abilities is wide and you can equip up to three at once giving you a nice combinatorial explosion, amplified by the fact that some items you find make certain abilities more effective. Thus, there was never a time during the game when I got sick of fighting monsters (and this was aided by the fact that I rarely felt the need to grind levels during the game). Again you have this continual supply of interesting new abilities ensuring that the player never goes too long without being rewarded in some way.

Now, one of the things lots of people don’t like about RTS games is that when you’re playing through the campaign the game gradually reveals the tech tree and unit types, and it’s typically only in the very last mission that you’ve got the full compliment. Well, what’s the problem? Lots of games give you a progression of powers during the course of the game. The problem is that if you play a multiplayer game you get the full set right away so when you go back to campaign mode you feel like someone’s holding your elbows. It feels like a punishment to play the campaign. Perspective.

I’ll have to keep this in mind for Planitia.


Last night I saw Planitia in my dreams. It was beautiful.

Unfortunately, I saw it because someone else had written it and beaten me to the punch.

I think my brain might be trying to tell me something.

Planitia Update 15

I was pushing really hard to get Planitia out by April 30. This was at least partially because I wanted to win the informal “Make Something by April 30” contest going on in the Gibbage forums.

Now, if it’s possible, I am still going to try to cobble a working something together to enter in that competition. But if I can’t, I can’t.

Because I am pushing the due date back one month. Planitia will now be done on May 31.

Now, you may be asking, “What prompted this, Viridian? Why did you push the date back?”

All will be revealed…in time.