Okay, this one really honestly should be tough.
I know, I know, I’ve said it before. “Got a toughie for ya!” And then someone identifies it within a few seconds.
But honestly, I’m the only person I know of who ever played this game, which is a shame because it was awesome.

Click the image for a full-sized screenshot.
Name and developer, please. Can’t offer you a shout-out any more…sorry. I know! I’ll be your best friend!
terra nova: strike force centauri, lookingglass studios
..and to run it on modern machines, I developed a universal VESA driver for windows – https://sourceforge.net/projects/solvbe/
Wow. Absolutely correct! You win! Best Friendship Takes Place!
I probably would never have played this game if I hadn’t worked at Origin and thus had access to all of Looking Glass’ stuff for free. I was probably bored one day and picked it up out of the library. I found it far superior to the other mech games of the day.
(Purists would say that the suits in Terra Nova weren’t mechs, they were battlesuits closer to the “Gears” of Heavy Gear. Whatever. You were in an armored suit, had jump jets in your boots and had lasers and rockets that shot out of your arms. Sounds like mechs to me.)
I was able to get the game running pretty easily under DOSBox, although it ran slowly (my current home computer is teh suck – someone buy me a new one for Christmas!) There’s a demo, but without the tutorial you may have problems.
tn:sfc is one of those games which, to me, proved that looking glass studios was brilliant – it was excellent, different, got rave reviews, and sold perhaps ten copies.
It’s a pity. If there was one project which source code I’d love to have opened (including rights to the content etc), it would have been tn:sfc, but at the moment nobody knows who owns the rights, and its unsure whether the assets are still in one piece anywhere.
Oh well..