Today’s game comes courtesy of Tom Mauer. Blame him. I personally had never seen this game before.

Name and developer, per usual. Reward? Uh…I’m kinda strapped for cash…but I’m totally good for it! Really! I’ll mail you a check next week!
Today’s game comes courtesy of Tom Mauer. Blame him. I personally had never seen this game before.
Name and developer, per usual. Reward? Uh…I’m kinda strapped for cash…but I’m totally good for it! Really! I’ll mail you a check next week!
I was playing some Oblivion last night and going down some quest paths I didn’t do on my first game. I came across a questgiver who gave me a quest with the title “Nothing You Can Possess”, which I thought was a very clever, subtle reference to…something.
Can anybody tell me what? And can anybody give me a good guess as to what happened during the quest?
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