
That three-by-three series of squares represents a town. (As I have mentioned earlier, I are no artist.) The villager is fetching food from the sheep (which currently has no AI and simply serves as a permanent food source) back to the village. When the village has enough food (or rather, has a large enough food income) it creates another villager, which…does the same thing. I should have them collecting wood as well very soon, and then it’ll be time to start tweaking how the village grows and shrinks based on the food and wood income and external events (like getting set on fire by a god power).
I’ve already got the village “wrapping” to fit to the terrain, so it’ll react appropriately to changes in the terrain height. Now I just need a little building to go in the middle, better textures…and the ability to grow.
And I’m aware that my beach-to-grass transition has gotten messed up. Can any eagle-eyed readers tell me why?
Is it because you don’t have any beach-to-grass transitions?
It looks like the game is coming along. It probably feels a bit more alive these days, huh?
It’s getting there 🙂
The beach-to-grass transition broke because I’m no longer using pyramidial terrain (since I’m no longer slavishly recreating Populous 2). Instead my terrain is now much more realistic (or as realistic as a heightfield can get). I’ll need to tweak it a bit to get it working again. Fortunately the lighting still works and looks nice 🙂