This one will be easy.

I am personally very sorry that I never got a chance to get into this series of games, as it appears to have been a worthy successor to Wing Commander and Tie Fighter.
Name and developer, please. If you’re the first to get it right, I’ll name one of my villagers after you! Seriously!
Descent: Freespace by Volition, Inc!
Correct! One of my villagers will now be named “Paul” in your honor!
Freespace2 beat the pants off of Wing Commander, and came very close to dethroning Tie Fighter for me..
They’ve since released the source code to the game, and I believe there’s a current build out there written for OpenGL by the fans.
I was a massive WC fan (WCIV still having the best plot ever in a video game), and enjoyed Xwing/ TIE Fighter.
Freespace was magical, and fun and brilliant and that, but it didn’t ignite my interest in the same way. It was just a little flat, and lacked the intrigue of the WC games.
Heh, I think I’ve played freespace2, but didn’t realize that it had anything to do with descent =)
Heh, I thought of Freespace 2, and Microsoft’s Starlancer. I also didn’t know that it was connected to Descent.
I’ve been spending some time looking up YouTube videos of Wing Commander games, simply because I only played the SNES port of the original.
Hmm. Along with Blogging Ultima, there should be a Blogging Wing Commander blog. B-)
Congratulations, Paul! Being named after a villager is pretty cool. The next prize should be getting your name attached to one of the sheep!
Oh, and wazoo, I have played Beyond the Red Line, a Freespace 2-derived total conversion with a Battlestar Galactica theme. I didn’t have a joystick connected at the time, but I can see that it would be a blast to play. The voice acting is amazing. I could have sworn that Starbuck was calling me a nugget during the mission briefing!
@GBGames: thanks! I definitely gotta try that out.
@All: Yes “unfortunately” Volition left the Descent moniker in the title. I always thought this was a big mistake for them, because everyone was SO confused and I’m sure it cost them more than one sale; was it a sequel to the Descent games? Was it a space-sim or a tunnel roving FPS??
So please, for the sake of preserving the joy that was Freespace, forget the Descent attachment.
*Waves the Force hand* “This is not the Descent you’re looking for. Move along.”
I agree and I am pretty sure it was my reason for never picking up the game in the first place. I wasn’t a fan of Descent, although I was a fan of space-sims and still am to this day. I recently was able to play Beyond the Redline, a Battlestar Galactica conversion of Freespace which was decent.
As one who was forcibly remov …err … honored by retirement from name that game, I beg… err… plead… hermm… whine… no that’s not the word… respectfully ask that a villager be named Warren! PUHPUHPUHPLEEEEEEZE
PS And no, NOT the village idiot! I know what you were thinking!!!
Huh…did you guys hear something?
JUST KIDDING! I will definitely be naming villagers after all my regular readers…sorry Paul. I’ll use Paul as the name of the general, how’s that?
That’s even better! 😀