If you’re thinking about participating, you might want to read these survival guides (of varying degrees of seriousness).
Sol_HSA’s Ludum Dare Survival Guide
MrFun’s Survival Guide
GBGames’ Survival Tips
Also, make sure you make an account on the WordPress blog so you can post in-progress reports and screenshots. As well as what you’re eating (hey, there’s a “food” category; if you can’t win with your game you can win with your delectable recipes).
And finally, you must join us on IRC!
Um…I don’t mean “must” as in “you can’t enter unless you do”; I just mean “must” as in “you’ll miss out on half the fun”.
See you guys in three hours!
I’ve been doing well in the food category. I placed Gold last time, even though I didn’t have a game worthy of the few points it did get. B-)