Category: Inaria

Sooon…so very, very sooon…

Again, complete focus on Inaria development has precluded posting. Beta 3 will be released later today, and depending on what I get into it I may actually rename it Release Candidate 1.

What I’m really concerned about is the level of quality of the content of the game. I’m making another pass over all the maps to do things like fix areas where you can see “off the map” because I expanded the view area, make the geometry more interesting and use the new triggers I’ve created to do interesting stuff.

But we have a hard date now. And when I say hard, I mean set in frickin’ STONE. Inaria WILL go on sale Friday, April 15th.

Oh, lord, I’ve so much to do. Wish me luck.

Preview of Coming Attractions

Here’s a screenshot of the current version of Inaria (click to expand).

And here’s the opening them to Inaria, courtesy of H. Arnold Jones:


There’s a party. You’re invited.

Slight change of plans (again) – Inaria is going to get a public beta starting this Saturday and running for one week. Everyone who reads this blog is invited to participate! If you want to try it out, please email me at with the subject “Inaria Beta Test”. On Saturday I’ll send you directions for downloading the game and submitting bugs. Feel free to also make any other suggestions you wish.

So yes, I’m missing my date, but for a good reason, and if you’re reading this you’re going to get to play the game anyway so…why you complainin’?

Also, is there anyone out there who could cut together a short (1:00 – 1:30) trailer of this game for me? I’ve tried but a) I don’t have the tools (I’m not willing to pirate After Effects) and b) I don’t have the skill. A price can be negotiated.

Birthing Pains

Oddly enough, I haven’t been talking on this blog much because I’ve been doing so much. I’ve gotten an amazing amount of stuff done on Inaria. Let’s take a look in three handy lists.

What’s Out:

Party-based combat. Inaria is now officially a single-character game.
Arenas: All combat will now take place on the main map.

What’s In:

“Special” terrain squares (poison fields, locked doors, teleporters, etc)
Tooltips. One of the most common concerns I hear from the CRPG Addict is that he just doesn’t have enough feedback on what’s happening to his character.
Random loot. Yes, I’m putting in random loot. After I started putting in special items named after my contributors it felt natural to have random loot. Don’t think I’ll get around to set bonuses, but hey, you never know.
The size of the screen has been boosted from 512×384 to 640×480 to fit the larger map view as well as the new lists of abilities.
The RPG system has been fixed; all stats are now valuable (though some will be more valuable than others depending on the type of character you want to use).
A new editor is in the works that will allow me to use the new terrain squares quickly and efficiently.

Screenshots to follow. I’ll also be trying to figure out enough of Avidemux to cut together a trailer.

Push Back

Don’t…don’t give me that look. I can feel your look.

Yes, Inaria is getting pushed back. But there are several good reasons.

First, the deadline was my birthday. How stupid was that? I want to spend my birthday relaxing, opening presents and eating a hamburger as big as my head, not frantically coding.

Second, the game might still be ready on time, but the website is not. I Are No Artist, so my website design skills are limited. I’ve already figured out how I’d like to do the layout, but actually making it look nice is a bit beyond me. Plus, I have to set up everything so that the game can actually be purchased.

Third, if I do get the donations from 8-Bit Funding, I’ll need time to actually use them, since I stupidly put the donation deadline on the same day the game was to be released. (Whether or not I get the donations from 8-Bit Funding depends on whether or not I hit $250 in donations within the next two days. If a project does not raise at least 50% of the money requested before the deadline, all donations are refunded, no exceptions.)

The new date is March 31st. I think this is realistic enough that I might actually come in early.

Don’t worry. You’ll be taking on the Slorn army single-handedly in no time.



Music, Professor!

Inaria now has a musician in the body of one H. Arnold Jones! The first tracks he has delivered are great, and I think fit the game well. Check out his stuff at

Holy Crapledo!

Inaria now has $140 of funding on 8-Bit Funding! I never expected that much!

Putting Inaria on 8-Bit Funding was absolutely the best thing I could have done for the project. It really motivates me to know that so many people are willing to donate just to see the project finished. I expect to get a lot done this weekend. Plus…anyone know of a good chiptune composer? I might actually be able to pay one now!

Getting Serious

Inaria now has a funding target of $500 on 8-Bit Funding. Should I make this goal, I’ll use the money to get better artwork and some music for the game. Help out if you can, and if you donate $5 or more you’ll get a free copy when the game ships on March 6!

Inaria! (Sung to the tune of SEGA!)

The good news: Inaria got a mention in Jay Barnson’s roundup of upcoming indie RPGs! Welcome to everyone who is visiting this site because of his mention!

The bad news: It’s the worst-looking game there.

I don’t know what to do about how Inaria looks. The free sprites I found are nice and colorful, looking like 256-color VGA art. On the other hand…that amount of detail makes my own stuff look like ass. As if to emphasize the point, I followed a link from a commenter (DIntent) back to his blog (The Lame Brain) and found out about another blog called Tilting at Windmills.

(Before I go on, I just want to say thanks to DIntent for the kind things he said about me on his blog. He’s writing an old-school RPG too, called SPARK. Check it out.)

But Tilting at Windmills is a blog written by a guy who writes games for…the TI-99/4A. And his biggest project so far is an RPG. (If you don’t want to follow that link to find out what a TI-99/4A is, it’s a vintage computer about as powerful as the Apple II, made by Texas Instruments.)

Check the screenshots out on this page. If they don’t give you the warm fuzzies, then you either hate classic RPGs or you HAVE NO SOUL, and I’m betting the latter. He did all the graphics himself, and just like Daniel Remar, the self-imposed limitations made it possible for him to do them himself effectively.

Perhaps I should do the same? This would also allow me to add some limited animation on the characters (right now there is none because that’s not how the sprites were designed).

Sticking with graphics, I also recently resized the main screen up from 512×384 to 640×480. I did this because I wanted to expand the visible tiles in the world window from 9×9 to 11×11. I originally did this to support 11×11 “arena” maps where combats take place (just like in Ultimas III, IV and V).

But now that I’ve added that feature, I’m at the crossroads. Single or multi-character? My dungeons are now just underground maps filled with NPCs and items; there’s only one “puzzle” and that’s in how the dungeon is laid out.

I think what I need is more special tiles. Hidden doors, triggers, traps, teleporters…I need all these and more especially if I stick with a single-player game.

So I think that’s what I’ll work on next, along with the graphics. Don’t be surprised if the next version of Inaria looks radically different.