It’s time once again for Name That Game!

Forgive me for this incredible digression, but in honor of the announcement of Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, in this Name That Game you’ll be naming paper-and-pencil RPGs…based on their mechanics. For each system, I’ve provided the basic stats, the stat and skill range, how combat is resolved and how non-combat tasks are resolved. Can you, given this information, name the games?

Stats: Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Social Standing
Stat Range: 2 to 12
Skill Range: 1 to 6

Basic Combat Resolution: 2d6 + Skill; must roll 8 or higher

Non-Combat Task Resolution: Varies a lot, but usually it’s 2d6 + Skill; must roll higher than GM-assigned target

Stat Range: 3 to 18
Skill Range: None

Basic Combat Resolution: 1d20 – target’s armor class; must roll equal to or higher than a number based on the character’s race, class and level

Non-Combat Task Resolution: There are non-combat tasks?

Stat Range: 1 to 10
Skill Range: 1 to 10

Basic Combat Resolution: 2d10 < 11 - 2 * ( melee skill - enemy AGL ) Non-Combat Task Resolution: 2d10 < 11 - 2 * ( player skill - assigned difficulty ) 4. Stats: Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Social Standing Stat Range: 2 to 12 Skill Range: 1 to 6 Basic Combat Resolution: 2d6 + skill - enemy skill; must beat a number based on the difficulty of the attack; most attacks are considered routine tasks Non-Combat Task Resolution: 2d6 + skill - any time penalties - any risk penalty; must beat a number based on the overall difficulty of the task 5. Stats: ST, DX, IQ Stat Range: 8 to as high as the player can afford Skill Range: None, you either have a skill or you don't. Basic Combat Resolution: 3d6; must roll your own adjusted DX or less to succeed Non-Combat Task Resolution: 3d6; must roll your own IQ or less to succeed 6. Stats: STR, DEX, CON, BODY, INT, EGO, PRE, COM Stat Range: 1 to 20 Skill Range: 9 + ( Controlling Stat / 5 ) to as high as the player can afford Basic Combat Resolution: 3d6; must roll (11 + Attacker's Ofensive Combat Value - Defender's Defensive Combat Value) or less Non-Combat task resolution: 3d6, must roll your skill or less, modifiers can apply 7. Stats: B, Q, S, C, I, W, E, M, R Stat Range: 1 to 6 Skill Range: 1 to 6 Combat resolution: A difficulty for the attack is determined. The player then rolls the same number of six-sided dice as their skill level, adding dice from a "pool" based on their stats. If at least one die rolls the success number or higher, the attack hits. Non-Combat task resolution: The GM declares a "success" number. The player then rolls the same number of six-sided dice as their skill level. If at least one die rolls the success number or higher, the task succeeds. 8. Stats: ST, DX, IQ, HT Stat Range: 10 to as high as the player can afford Skill Range: 0 to as high as the player can afford Basic Combat Resolution: 3d6; must roll your weapon skill or less - enemy then can roll against a defensive skill to avoid the attack Non-Combat task Resolution: 3d6; must roll your skill or less, modifiers can be applied. Good luck! If you win, I promise not to cheat on my dice rolls the next time I GM a game you're playing in. Unless it would be funny.