I am feeling much more like myself today. Should this trend continue much stuff could conceivably get done this week…possibly including a video podcast! If you guys want to suggest topics for me to talk about, feel free.
Retro-styled games for the modern era.
Are you playing Neverwinter 2? If not, you must fix that! 🙂 If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
My financial situation is currently such that no new games will be purchased unless they are Christmas presents. So no, no NWN2. Sob. At least I can play Oblivion again…no wait, my main computer broke and I’m using the crappy backup! DOUBLE SOB!
Ouch. I feel your pain, and am in a similar way. Try out the Gothic 3 demo. It’s pretty neat… very Oblivionish. And free.
Talk about some of your game experiences maybe?