Category: The Game Biz

To My Future Employees

All right. You guys may be wondering exactly what we’re doing here. Yeah, you know it’s game development, but I wanted to take a minute to lay my personal philosophy out before you.

Game development is a conversation. It is a conversation between us, the developers, and our players. If we continually talk about subjects our players aren’t interested in, it just can’t surprise us if they eventually wander away to talk to somebody else.

I can hear the grumbles already. “Are you saying we should be completely ruled by marketing data? What are we – Electronic Arts?”

No, but I am saying that it will be up to us to express ourselves through our games while still providing games that the market wants…so we can stay in business. Because in the end, we are playing a game too – a real-time simulation-strategy game called “run a successful game development company and maybe get rich doing it”.

So don’t chafe against these restrictions – revel in them! Restrictions breed creativity! Artists like to fantasize about the day they will be so famous and rich that they’ll finally be able to do whatever they want and realize their true vision – even though every time an artist has done so, the results have been disastrous.

In the end, never forget that our job – our goal – is to try to make people happy.

So let’s do it!

The Indie Thing

Soundly situated in obscurityland
Famous in inverse proportion to how cool I am
And should I ever garner triple-digit fans
You can tell me then there’s someone I ain’t indier than
MC Frontalot, Indier Than Thou

I’ve had a love/hate relationship with the indie gaming scene for a while.

The love, of course, comes from appreciating and identifying with people who can make games in their spare time.

The hate comes from…

Well, it’s complicated.

But it’s basically all Steve Pavlina‘s fault.

See, Steve ran Dexterity Software back in The Day(tm). He had forums on his site (like any good small developer who understands that building a community is just as important as making games). Those forums attracted a lot of other people who wanted to follow Steve’s path…thus, they became the unofficial “indie developer” forums.

But then Steve stopped making games and closed the forum down. The indies needed a new forum, so they created one. They named it the Indiegamer Forums.

That was their first mistake.

Why? Because by overtly stating “This board is for indies only” they made it necessary to define what an “indie” is…and there are lots of definitions.

And thus, there has been a lot of heat generated on the board over the years as people do things that “betray the indie code”…as perceived by some of the main posters there. Lots of people have run afoul of this over the years…usually for doing completely prudent things necessary to keep themselves in business.

That’s not to say that there’s nothing good there. That’s not true. But the board has been susceptible to vituperation in the past and that’s why I don’t read it any more, even though I’m allegedly their target audience.

Example? Well, here’s a good one: GameTunnel, the leading indie game review site, recently released their Top 100 Independent Games list. A list like this is always going to be contentious, but there’s one game that absolutely should be on that list and isn’t.

And that game is Stardock’s Galactic Civilizations II.

Why isn’t it? Well, this just goes straight back to their “What is an indie?” problem. Stardock is too “big”. They can get retail deals based on the strength of their past games. They have their own Steam-style system for purchasing and downloading games directly over the internet. Their stuff gets reviewed by all the major gaming sites. Thus they aren’t indie. “Indie” to the denizens of the Indiegamer Forums is one guy in his bedroom making whatever he wants (er…as long as he doesn’t dare make a “casual” game).

Of course, that’s exactly how Stardock started. And Stardock has never sold themselves.

They fulfill my requirements for indie – no one can tell them what to make and no one can tell them when to ship.

It’s pretty obvious to me that Stardock is an indie gaming company that has simply made real good.

And now Retro64 has been purchased by PopCap. Retro64 is owned by Mike Boeh, a consummate indie developer and the creator, maintainer and host of…the Indiegamer Forums. Retro64 also hosts Game Tunnel.

PopCap has long been decried on the Indiegamer Forums as a corporatized clone-making machine; a company that cares only about money and simply steals every good game idea they come across. Go ahead, search for “PopCap” and “Zuma” on the forums and see what you get.

Mike has escaped the white-hot backlash his “selling out” would normally have generated on the forums because he’s the host – and frankly, everybody likes him. He’s a great guy. But lots of people are seeing this as yet another “true indie” swallowed up by the machine. And although Mike has made it clear that the forums and Game Tunnel were not part of the acquisition, some are wondering what their future can possibly be if the company hosting them is now owned by a “corporate clone monster”.

Frankly I think it’s all much ado about nothing. PopCap could not possibly gain from shutting down GameTunnel and the Indiegamer Forums; and if they threatened to do so those sites would simply move.

But then that’s the other aspect of “indie” that they embrace…the idea of the renegade programmer, coming up with radical new ideas that The Man(tm) will eventually either have to steal…or destroy. ‘Cause you know, the indie scene is the only place where true innovation can take place.

Please. Sometimes I feel like yelling, “Just shut up and make your games!” Though frankly I should take my own advice.

Riding in Cars with Game Designers

Overheard while driving back from lunch last week:

Game Developer 1: “Hey, is [COMPANY REDACTED] still working on [GAME NAME REDACTED]?”

Game Developer 2: “Has E3 happened yet this year?”

GD1: “No, don’t think so…”

GD2: “Then no.” (grin)

One of the worst things about working in game development is knowing cool stuff and not being able to tell anybody. For instance, I am currently working on The Sims Castaway Stories. I can tell you that because the web site announcing the game is up. I can’t tell you anything else about it. As I’ve mentioned before, since Aspyr Media does almost all contract work, it’s absolutely vital that we not get a reputation for leakage.

I can’t wait for E3 to finally pass so I can tell you about the [COMPELLING FEATURE REDACTED].

What the…I can’t even tell them about that? Damn.

Notes on the April Austin Game Developers Meeting

Okay, a bit of backstory. Austin Game Developers was a group that held monthly meetings for game developers in Austin, and I went to those meetings whenever possible for years. That’s where I heard that excellent talk by Phil Steinmeyer about his work on the Heroes of Might and Magic games and the Railroad Tycoon series and the subsequent creation of PopTop.

But about a year ago AGD lost it sponsor and could no longer hold meetings. Things looked bad for a while, but Austin Game Developers finally managed to respawn as the Austin chapter of the International Game Developers Association. And they just held their first meeting a month ago.

Unfortunately I didn’t know about it, so I missed a talk by one of my favorite programmers, Mike McShaffry. Grrr….

But the grapevine did its job and I heard about this month’s meeting, which would feature a three-person panel talking about how to make video games fun. The panel? Richard Garriott of NC Soft, Harvey Smith of Midway, and Chris Cao of Sony Online Entertainment.

(Yes, yes, I know, go ahead and make your “Sony Online? What the heck do they know about making games fun?” crack.)

The meeting was held at Midway’s Austin studio. Just getting to the front door of Midway is an epic-level challenge, as construction has turned the parking lot into a maze. But once inside I was greeted by a very nice-looking game development space. Clean and well-laid-out, with lots of big conference rooms (one of which sports a beautiful projection TV). Big lounge and kitchen space, big offices. But it doesn’t feel too corporate – it definitely feels like a game studio, with Xbox 360s in practically every room you visit and posters, concept art and toys all over the freakin’ place. The only exception – tiny, tiny cubes. It seems that Midway Austin is growing.

When I arrived the Mingling Period was well under way. I saw several friends of mine whom I hadn’t seen since…well, the last AGD meeting. One of them was the Fat Man; it was great seeing him again. And I discovered that several of my friends whose fate I lamented in one of my video blogs ended up at Midway and seem to be doing just fine.

Then they fed us. The food was good but too spicy for me. I got a free alcoholic beverage and asked for a rum-and-Coke, then I put another can of Coke into it and it was drinkable. (Not trying to slight the bartender; please recall that alcohol doesn’t taste very good to me.)

So there I was, drink in hand, listening to some very good game developers speak. Frankly it was the most fun I’ve had in months, and I’d forgotten how much I missed going to those meetings because I always feel recharged and excited about game development afterwards.

Each person on the panel gave a short presentation on what they thought “fun in games” meant and then the panel took questions from the audience. It was fascinating to see how different these three guys were in their philosophies.

Chris Cao was first. His presentation was shortest and highest-level. His basic message was that you can make fun games by having fun making games and fostering an environment where crazy thinking can happen. He said that one of the imagination-building exercises he used was having every member of his team – no matter what their actual duties – make a board or card game so that they all understood the entire game-making process.

Richard Garriott was next. His presentation could not have been more different than Cao’s; the first slide Richard presented said, “Research, research, research!” Richard’s point was that “fun” is hard to define and a real “lightning in a bottle” quality, so the best thing to do was use rigorous procedures and follow basic rules of software design so that the fun could come out unmarred, if it were there. He talked a lot about things like not obscuring what would have been a fun game by making the actual software too hard to use. He also talked about the tropes that gamers tend to respond well to and understand, like numerology and symbolism.

Harvey Smith was last. His talk was closer to Garriott’s than Cao’s, but he had some unique things to say. He didn’t shy completely away from defining “fun” like Garriott did. Instead he presented a concept by Marc LeBlanc, another designer, called The Eight Kinds of Fun. Harvey seems to definitely subscribe to this philosophy and says that the first step to making games fun is to define which of the eight types you’re going to try to provide for your player.

Once all the presentations were over, they took questions from the audience. Some questions drifted away from the topic but nobody seemed to mind. Richard Garriott got the biggest laugh of the night when he responded to a question about game development funding and return-on-investment by saying, “I made Akalabeth in six weeks after school. The cost of development was zero. It made me about $150,000. That’s effectively an infinite return-on-investment, and somehow it’s all been downhill from there.”

Afterwards we retired to the large conference room with the beautiful projection TV I mentioned earlier to play some Guitar Hero II. The Midway guys had completed the experience by decking the room out with disco balls and strobe lights. It was awesome. Fat challenged me to play a song competitively against him; I accepted, sure that I was going to go down to ignominous defeat. We played “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking”, and to my great surprise I kicked his ass even though I’d never played the song before.

And he calls himself a musician…:)

Final note: the official wrap-up of this meeting on the IGDA Austin site is here, and you can download the slides for all three of the presentations from that page. You can also see me if you really really want to; I’m in the third picture. I’m sitting in the front row and wearing a black shirt. I am apparently amusing my friend Jamal Blackwell by doing the hand jive.

I Dream Of GameDev…

Had a dream last night about game development.

First, I must explain. I occasionally have very vivid, lifelike dreams that tend to hold together even after I wake up. It’s almost like watching a movie while I sleep. I’ve gotten some very good ideas this way, which feels like cheating.

This was one of those dreams. I was interviewing in person at a big game development studio that was part of Microsoft’s gaming studios. They wanted me to work there very badly (for some reason) and they were pulling out all the stops. I toured the main building of their “campus”, which was opulently appointed. They fed me well. I shared an elevator ride with Bill Gates. (Neither of us said anything.)

Then the studio heads sat me down and inundated me with their “vision”. They’d shipped one game that had been a huge hit and their stock with Microsoft was rising. They told me not to think of them as a “development studio” because that label was too limiting.

See, there was this band, said one guy. (He named a band that sounded pretty famous, but I wasn’t a fan of them and now that I’m awake I don’t even remember what band it was.) Anyway, this band stopped calling itself a “band” and started calling itself a “group”. This way, when they performed they were free to do whatever they wanted – recite poetry, give an ontology lecture, or even play a little music – and their fans could presumably listen to what they wanted and not listen to what they didn’t. It was all about freedom, baby!

So this guy tells me not to think of them as a “development studio” but as a “group”. He pointed to various small projects employees of the company had done – things like card and board games, and smaller indie-style computer games – as indicative of how this company didn’t crush their employee’s freedom, maaaaaan.

Then I was invited to a general employee assembly. I managed to get away from my handlers and sat down next to a young female programmer. We started talking about realistic foliage placement on heightfield terrain and she invited me back to her office to see some of the stuff she was doing. I accepted her invitation gladly.

We left the main building and started walking through what I’d thought was a vacant lot next door. It was full of standing but gutted and useless buildings and trash. A warehouse at the back was where the employees actually worked (the main building was solely for the owners and directors and to impress investors). As we walked we were joined by other employees on their way back to their cubes after the company meeting. As we talked it became clear that these people were frustrated by the complete lack of direction of the company, and were doing these little projects just so they could be doing something and keeping their skills from deteriorating. What they wanted was a single big, company-wide, challenging project like their first game was and that was exactly what the directors of the company refused to give them. They did this in the name of “freedom”, but it felt more like they were doing it in the name of “avoiding responsibility”.

That’s pretty much the point at which I woke up, having already decided that I wasn’t going to take the job.

What’s my point? I guess I don’t really have one that wasn’t already made by my subconscious. That dream was just too good to forget.

(DISCLAIMER: This really was a dream. It has nothing to do with my current employment. Aspyr is, if anything, the exact opposite of the company in my dream. I love it here. It’s stupid that I even have to say this, but it’s true.)

Local Wii Supply

I was at a local Wal-Mart earlier picking up some stuff and figured I’d ask how many Wiis they were getting in. I actually managed to ask the question with a straight face and the lady didn’t bat an eye. She told me they already had 29 and that more would be coming on the afternoon truck. There was no line of Wii-waiters that I could see.

Which means that if funds sufficed, I could almost certainly go to Wal-Mart at midnight tonight, plunk down a mere $250, and walk out with a Wii. On launch day. Without having to camp out for days beforehand.

Good job, Nintendo.

(Of course, funds do not currently suffice. Sigh. But that’ll get fixed fairly soon.)

Update: No Wii for me 🙁 They didn’t get any more on the truck, and I would guess that there were about 45 people there. It was pretty orderly; no big ruckus. The box is tiny. Just wish they’d had enough for all of us.

Halo Wars

Doh. I really think Ensemble has dropped the ball on this one.

For one thing, this feels like something mandated from above, rather than something they came up with on their own. “It takes too long for Bungie to make a Halo game,” I can hear the Microsoft execs saying. “Surely we’ve got another studio who can be working on another Halo game somewhere….” Hell, it’s conceivable that Microsoft ordered Ensemble to get working on this because they knew that if they didn’t, they wouldn ‘t have anything Halo-related to show at X06.

Second thing: the FAQ states that this game is an RTS and it is 360-only. I’ve never felt that real-time strategy games belonged on consoles. Of course, I’ve never felt that first-person shooters belonged on consoles either, which is why I never really got into the Halo games.

Third thing: this is why Microsoft stepped on Halogen. Which is fine, its their right, but they did it in the worst possible way – with a cease-and-desist right before Halo Wars was announced. Very ham-handed, and just the type of thing that can create a fan backlash.

This will probably end up being the first Ensemble game that I don’t buy. Which makes me sad.

Video Blog 2, 09-24-06

And here it is.

If the above video doesn’t work well for you, here’s a Google Video version.

And if neither of those work, here’s the direct download link.

Video Blog 1, 09-16-06


I’d been meaning to do something like this for a while, and since Gamespot will kindly host them (since I’m a subscriber), why not? Enjoy!

Edit: Here’s an embedded Google video version:

And here’s a direct download link.


Well, I guess I should just be happy that I managed to have a game shown there…but I would really have liked to have gone, at least once. I never thought that the day would come when there wasn’t an E3 to look forward to in May.

And how will the poor Gamespot editors assert their superiority over each other and us now?

And now Gabe and Tycho are making noises about how PAX could become the next E3. Something tells me that they simply have no idea how much trouble they are making for themselves by suggesting that.